Databases - Gothenburg university library - Springer ebook collection (en)

Springer ebook collection (en)

Access to the following collections from

2005 to 2015: Behavioral Sciences, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Economics, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Social Science & Law, Medicine.

2016: Biomedical & Life Sciences, Earth and Environmental Science, Education, Medicine.

2017: Behavioral Science and Psychology, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business and Management, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Medicine, Political Science and International Studies, Economics and Finance, Education.

2018: Biomedical & Life Sciences, Chemistry & Material Science, Computer Science, Earth & Environmental Science, Economics & Finance, Education, Energy, Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy, Political Science & International Studies, Professional and Applied Computing.

2019: Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Management, Chemistry & Material Science, Computer Science, Earth & Environmental Science, Economics & Finance, Education, Energy, Engineering, Intelligent Technologies and Robotics, Mathematics and Statistics, Medicine, Physics and Astronomy, Political Science & International Studies, Professional and Applied Computing.

2020: Behavioral Science & Psychology, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Business & Management, Computer Science, Economics and Finance, Education, Engineering, Intelligent Technologies and Robotics, Medicine, Political Science & International Studies.

2021: Biomedical & Life Sciences, Computer Science, Earth & Environmental Science, Education, Literature, Cultural and Media Studies, Political Science & International studies, Religion & Philosophy (en)

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
Media types:
  • Springer Nature
Alternative title:
  • SpringerLink eBook collection (en),
  • Springer eBooks (en),
  • SpringerLink books (en)
Terms of use
  • Print article or chapter
    "/.../ single articles, chapters or other individual items /.../"
  • Download article or chapter
    "/.../ single articles, chapters or other individual items /.../"
  • Print course pack
    "/.../ use single articles, chapters or other individual items of the Content for the preparation of academic course materials with all rights notices duly presented."
  • Interlibrary loan
    ILL print, fax or secure electronic transmission: Permitted. "/.../ transmit to a non-Commercial library single items of Content only for personal educational, scientific, or research purposes."