Databases and e-resources

Databases and e-resources

Find databases to which the library subscribes and freely available resources selected by librarians. These resources will lead you to articles, statistics, business information, audio recordings, sheet music, video and more in your subject area.

Found 121 of 632 databases:

  • Recommended

    Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts & humanities and technical literature. An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sou...

  • AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) serves as the catalogue and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library, as well as a primary public source for world-wide access to agricultur...

  • Since 1932 Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual reviews volumes are published each year for disciplines within Biomed...

  • Biological Abstracts is a comprehensive database that directs you to information covered in life sciences journals. Virtually every life science topic is covered, including agriculture, biochemistry,...

  • BoardEx Academic Research Data for the Europe region through Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS). The database contains information on company board members and senior executives. (en)...

  • Drygt 40 olika nyckeltal för cirka 800 branscher som presenteras i form av median och kvartilvärden där jämförelse sker på branschnivå och antal anställda. Branschnyckeltalens population omfattar sam...

  • Business Source Premier is a full text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business. (en)...

  • HeinOnline’s Civil Rights and Social Justice database brings together a diverse offering of publications covering civil rights in the United States.

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  • Compustat covers financial accounting, economic and marketing data on US and foreign public companies. Access is granted via the WRDS interface. (en)...

  • This citation index covers conference literature in all fields of social sciences, arts, and humanities, including: Art, Economics, History, Literature, Management, Philosophy, Psychology, Public Hea...

  • CRSP, The Center for Research in Security Prices, is a collection of standard and derived securities prices, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ. Access is granted via the WRDS inte...

  • Rättsfall från EU-domstolen. Tänk på att ett rättsfall kan ha initierats långt tidigare. Ibland kan det ta flera år innan domslutet fattas. Databasen uppdateras dagligen - man hittar här rättsfall so...

  • Choose from over 500 datasets using data from real research, designed to support the teaching and independent learning of data analysis techniques.

    Includes datasets from across the social sciences...

  • References to economic literature: journal articles, books, theses, conference papers, working papers. Econlit adheres to the high quality standards of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) and is...

  • EconPapers provides access to RePEc, the world's largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software. (en)...

  • The EDGAR database contains the electronic filings of US public companies to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Allows you to retrieve real-time filings for a specific company and to find key co...

  • The Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law is a reference work, providing comprehensive coverage of the field of environmental law. The Encyclopedia will consist of twelve volumes, organised around...

  • Emerald fulltext journals and book series cover the major management disciplines including, marketing, HR and organizational development, library & information management, quality and operations mana...

  • Access to more than 100,000 of the most important early English cases that laid the foundation for the laws of nations under the British Empire and influenced the development of laws across many land...