Databases and e-resources
Database search - Gothenburg university library - Scopus (en)

Scopus (en)

Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts & humanities and technical literature. An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with tools to track, analyse and visualize research.

Scopus no longer supports Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) or lower. (en)

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
Media types:
  • Elsevier
Terms of use
  • Scholarly sharing
  • Download article or chapter
  • Print article or chapter
  • Upload course pack to learning management system
    "/.../incorporate both links and downloaded items in electronic coursepacks, reserves and course management systems and instructors websites,/.../carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, title, author and publisher"
  • Interlibrary loan
    Print, fax or secure electronic transmission: "Permitted to /…/non-commercial libraries located within the same country"