- Recommended
Joint search in: ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM), Arts & Humanities Database, Design & Applied Arts Index (DAAI) , International Bibliography of Art (IBA), Index Islamicus, International Bibliogra...
- Recommended
Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts & humanities and technical literature. An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sou...
AATA Online is a comprehensive database of over 120,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.
Individuell registrering för bättre sökmöj...
Abbreviationes identifies abbreviations used in medieval Latin manuscripts ("Latin paleography"). The manuscripts come from "libraries throughout Europe - from Catania in the South, Uppsala in the No...
Abstracts in Anthropology covers a broad spectrum of current anthropological topics from a vast number of periodicals. Several thousand abstracts, selected and classified, fully indexed by author and...
The Acta Sanctorum Database is an electronic version of the complete printed text of Acta Sanctorum, from the edition published in sixty-eight volumes by the Société des Bollandistes in Antwerp and B...
The digital edition of the Opera Omnia Alberti Magni was established on the basis of the critical edition published by Albertus-Magnus-Institute, which is funded by Arch-Diocese of Cologne, with Asch...
Alvin är en nationell plattform för långsiktigt bevarande och tillgängliggörande av digitaliserade samlingar och digitalt kulturarvsmaterial, men också en katalog över material som ännu inte digitali...
European information and research on Latin America. The portal is the result of cooperation between the networks REDIAL and CEISAL, its objective is to offer a complete information system specialized...
The Anthropological Index to Current Periodicals in the The Anthropology Library at the British Museum (incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute library). (en)...
This database contains those texts that have been critically edited in the printed Aristoteles Latinus series. Other corpora complete the database, whether editions that have already been published o...
I Arken söker du information om Kungliga bibliotekets personarkiv, det vill säga efterlämnade papper från personer som författare, konstnärer och forskare, samt enskilda arkiv, dvs. efterlämnade hand...
Sökbart index till tidskrifterna Arkitektur och Byggmästaren. Referenser ges till artiklar, presentationer, recensioner och notiser under mer än 100 års utgivning. (en)...
ARTFL's main corpus, ARTFL-FRANTEXT, consists of nearly 3,000 texts, ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing. The eighteenth, ninet...
Arts & Humanities Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. (en)...
Arts & Humanities Database is a journal database designed to complement the indexes ARTBibliographies Modern, Design and Applied Arts Index, British Humanities Index and Philosopher’s Index amongst o...
Searchable database of digital images and associated catalogue data, with new image collections added several times a year. ARTstor covers many time periods and cultures, and documents the fields of ...
ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials is the full text version of the ATLA Religion Database (ATLA). This database is a collection of major religion and theology journals selected by some of the ma...
Provides access to articles published in the BAS journals, as well as videos, books, and special collections published by the BAS. (en)...