Databases and e-resources
Database search - Gothenburg university library - Session laws library (en)

Session laws library (en)

This library contains the session laws of all 50 U.S. states as well as Canada, Australia, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. It also includes the D.C. Register and the Session laws of the U.S. Federal Government, and features the entire back file of the Acts of Parliament of Canada and Acts of Parliament of Australia. All states are current within 60 days of the printed publication, and all states are available back to inception.

HeinOnline User Rules (en)

Available to the University of Gothenburg. Available to anyone using the libraries' computers
  • Hein
Alternative title:
  • Hein Online Session Laws (en)
Terms of use
  • Interlibrary loan
    "a single paper copy of an electronic original to authorized users at non-commercial libraries in the same country by post, fax or email"
  • Print article or chapter
  • Download article or chapter
  • Print course pack
  • Upload course pack to learning management system