- Agricola (en) new
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access) serves as the catalogue and index to the collections of the National Agricultural Library, as well as a primary public source for world-wide access to agricultur...
AlgaeBASE is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms. At present, the data for the marine algae, particularly seaweeds, are the most complete. (e...
ArtDatabanken arbetar med kunskapen om den biologiska mångfalden i Sverige. I arbetsuppgifterna ingår att insamla, utvärdera och lagra den viktigaste informationen om hotade och missgynnade växter, s...
The Biodiversity Heritage Library, is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize and make accessible the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collec...
Biological Abstracts is a comprehensive database that directs you to information covered in life sciences journals. Virtually every life science topic is covered, including agriculture, biochemistry,...
For the purpose of verifying publication names in the Specimen Database and the Gray Index, the Herbaria maintain an index of botanical publications. It is a unique compendium of bibliographic refere...
The ITIS includes documented taxonomic information of flora and fauna from both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. For each scientific name, ITIS will include the authority (author and date), taxonomi...
JSTOR (Journal storage) is an electronic full text archive containing important journals covering several subject areas. The journals are stored from Volume I, Issue 1 to the "moving wall". The movin...
JSTOR global plants offers access to botanical resources from dozens of herbaria, libraries, museums and other research institutions. The database includes plant type specimens from herbaria around t...
An international collaborative programme that has as a primary aim to make available digitized data of the world’s flora gathered from the past 250 years of botanical exploration and research. POWO a...
Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts & humanities and technical literature. An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sou...
Svensk Kulturväxtdatabas (SKUD) är en nomenklaturdatabas och svensk namnstandard för kulturväxter, som utvecklats av IT-experter vid SLU och botanister i Göteborgs botaniska trädgård och Evolutionsmu...
Tropicos® was originally created for internal research at the Missouri Botanical Garden, but has since been made available to the world’s scientific community. All of the nomenclatural, bibliographic...
Web of Science consists of records from scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
Web of Science no longer supports Internet E...