The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is an essential online resource for social science and interdisciplinary research. IBSS includes references to journal articles, books, re...
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Tidningsartiklar i fulltext, publicerade efter 1981. Mediearkivet är Nordens största digitala nyhetsarkiv innehållande tryckta dagstidningar, tidskrifter och affärspress. I Mediearkivet kan du söka a...
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Joint search in Criminal Justice Database, Education Collection, IBSS, PILOTS, Politics Collection, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Social Sciences, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Social Science Dat...
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Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts & humanities and technical literature. An abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sou...
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Databasen Svenska dagstidningar innehåller cirka 1500 digitaliserade dagstidningar från år 1645 fram till nutid, med undantag för de senaste fyra månaderna. Tidningar som är äldre än 115 år är fritt ...
Business Source Premier is a full text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business. (en)...
Abstracts and bibliographic records of articles and books published in the primary professional literature of the communication(s) field. (en)...
The Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication presents resources and strategies for science communicators, including theoretical material and background on recent controversies and key ins...
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries ...
Factiva is a vast archive of business and news publications in many languages, including national and international newspapers, leading business magazines and trade publications. All sources are in f...
HCI Bibliography is a non-profit multinational volunteer effort to provide a free comprehensive online bibliography of the field of Human-Computer Interaction electronically worldwide to students, re...
Infomedia är en omfattande dansk artikeldatabas med artiklar från danska tidningar och tidskrifter. Artiklarna går tillbaka till 1990. Databasen innehåller även telegram från nyhetsbyråer.
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Integrum Profi is the world's largest archive of mass media of Russia, the CIS, and the Baltic states. The archive contains Moscow and Russian regional newspapers and journals, business and law datab...
Journals published by Intellect, an independent academic publisher, in the fields of creative practice and popular culture. Subject areas covered are visual arts, film studies, cultural and media stu...
About 500 articles authored and edited by 200 specialists from Northern Europe and the US. The articles deal with key concepts, methodologies, and researchers in the fields of media theory, media his...
Morgan & Claypool Computer & Information Science eBooks collection focuses on computer science and engineering innovations. The collections contains ca 500 e-books. (en)...
The Yearbook provides a wide range of statistical data on the four main industry branches of the audiovisual sector in Europe: the film industry; television; video/DVD; on-demand audiovisual services...
Cinema and media studies includes an array of subfields: film history, television studies, media studies, critical theory, visual arts, cultural studies, digital culture, game studies, popular cultur...
Digitaliserade versioner av många svenska och internationella dagstidningar från det senaste året. Mer än 7000 dagstidningar och veckopress från 100 länder på 60 språk. Översättnings- och uppläsnings...