Provides indexing, abstracting, and full-text content for journals published by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). (en)...
ACM digital library provides access to tables of contents, abstracts, reviews, and full text of papers published in ACM journals since 1985. Subject area covers IT and programming. (en)...
Journals published by the American Physical Society (en)...
Online access to journals published by the American Society for Microbiology. Search in all ASM journals as well as figures and tables. (en)...
Brill Online contains books and journals covering the Humanities, Social Sciences and International Law. Gothenburg University Library gives access to some of the e-journals and e-books on this platf...
Business Source Premier is a full text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business. (en)...
Cambridge Journals Online provides access to full text e-journals (including backfiles often from the first issue of the first volume) published by Cambridge University Press.
Available on Cambridge...
E-journals and E-books from De Gruyter. (en)...
Digitalia Hispanica is a database of e-books and e-journals in Spanish with access to some of the most renowned publishers in Spain and Latin America. The database contains thousands of e-books and e...
DigiZeitschriften is a German non-profit association providing access to retro-digitised scientific journals online. (en)...
Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages. (en)...
Duke University Press publishes journals primarily in the humanities and social science disciplines. (en)...
Emerald fulltext journals and book series cover the major management disciplines including, marketing, HR and organizational development, library & information management, quality and operations mana...
Frontiers is an Open Access publisher, publishing journals in medicine, science, engineering, humanities and social sciences. All journals are open to read. (en)...
The Gale Primary Sources platform enables users to cross-search these collections: The Economist Historical Archive, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, The Financial Times Historical Archive, The...
HeinOnline's Law Journal Library is a collection of articles published in law reviews and other legal periodicals.
[HeinOnline User Rules](
Idunn är en tvärvetenskaplig databas för nordiska e-tidskrifter i fulltext. Ca 50 titlar inom framförallt samhällsvetenskap och humaniora. (en)...
Journals within the following subject areas: Computing and Mathematics, Economics and Finance, Education, Knowledge and Learning, Energy and Environment, Healthcare and Biosciences, Management and Bu...
Journals published by Intellect, an independent academic publisher, in the fields of creative practice and popular culture. Subject areas covered are visual arts, film studies, cultural and media stu...